Instrumentation and Control Technician (INT)

First Period Package (52 Modules) Comments

Date: 10/1/2021 3:45:58 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 4
Comment: In the Restricted Products paragraph: It seems that the "Restricted Products" has been moved or changed from the HPA Hazard Protection Act to the CCPSA some time ago. All the comments referring to the HPA therefore need to be verified.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:00:46 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 13
Comment: The WHMIS 6 standard symbols changed in 2015 and need to be updated.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:26:01 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 11
Comment: A SDS that is filled out rather than a blank one would be better. Something that causes sterility or birth defects would make the students take notice and remember to where their PPE.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:32:47 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 12
Comment: The 9 Sections of the (M)SDS are not explained or elaborated on. For example Self Test Question #7 asks what information do you expect to find in the first aid section of an (M)SDS? Which is Section 8 - But there is no explanation on what should be in section 8, or any section for that matter.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:45:00 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 12
Comment: The definitions of the words in Section 7 of the (M)SDS are essential to help the students understand the gravity and purpose of the (M)SDS. Teratogenicity - causes birth defects in developing embryos Reproductive Toxicity - Affects sexual function and fertility Mutagenicity - Permanently changes genetic material usually DNA Carcenogenicity - Sensitization - Exposure Limits -
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:54:34 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 15
Comment: Flashpoint needs to be defined to properly understand the differences between Flammable(Div 2) and Combustible(Div 3) liquids. - Explaining that a cleaning solvent such as Varsol has a flashpoint of 40 Deg C (temperature at which it gives off enough vapor to ignite in air) is helpful to understand why they do not need to store Varsol in a sealed container like gasoline.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 5:23:21 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 17
Comment: Division 2 - Materials causing other toxic effects - kills the most people so it needs to be expanded and on it's own page so the words "DEATH" "CANCER" "STERILITY" "Asbestos" "lead" "pesticides" are properly associated with the right symbol and not linked with the skull and crossbones as it is now. Also the common killers like Fibrosis, Asbestosis, Mesothelioma Silicosis need to be on the same page with the symbol. pesticides and hebicides also need to be listed. The links between Hebicides such as Round up and Lymphoma(cancer) needs to be made. The words need to be in their immediate vision for the two to be clearly connected and not mis-associated with the skull and crossbones of the poison symbol. Acetone and benzine need to be on the list as well as others that are killing workers years and decades later.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 5:43:54 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 20
Comment: The main paragraph should be broken into two and reworded for clarity. I believe it is trying to say: The body systems most effected by chemicals, in order of frequency are: 1. Central Nervous System(Brain and spinal cord) 2. Blood circulatory system 3. liver 4. kidneys 5. lungs 6. skin
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 5:58:39 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Comment: A picture is worth a thousand words. More pictures are needs for all the "nouns" in this section including lock box, work permit, scissors and master tag system personal lock, group lock. and multi-device lockout using a cable, bar or chain. A PFD of a individual worker lock out to compare to the others. A PFD of a group lock out with all the scissors and locks would be helpful. A PFD of a complex lockout would be helpful.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/1/2021 4:19:09 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 11
Comment: The MSDS changed to SDS in 2015. This all needs to be verified and updated as I suspect more than just dropping the "M" changed.
Status: Implemented

Date: 10/1/2021 3:24:29 PM
Module: 310101aB
Version: 21
Page: 1
Comment: The Objectives do not match the Outcome listed. Objective 1 "Describe emergency procedures when dealing with injured employees" This does not begin to describe what the content is in Objective one. Which is Hazard assessments, Emergency response plans, OHS, MSDS or WHMIS
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 3/21/2024 4:32:25 PM
Module: 310101d
Version: 24
Page: 6, 55, 58
Comment: Pg.6 " There are two common methods for designating pipe OUTSIDE diameter (OD). The North American method is nominal pipe size (NPS) and based on inches." "Designating the outside diameter allows pipe of the same size to fit together regardless of wall thickness." Pg.55 " 3. Explain the difference between inside diameter and nominal pipe size." Pg.58 "3. inside diameter is the actual measurement between the inside walls of the pipe across the exact center." NDP IS AN APPROXIMATION OF THE INSDE DIAMETER AND IS AN INDUSTRY STANDARDUSED TO IDENTIFY VARIOUS PIPE SIZES."
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 3/14/2024 7:30:33 PM
Module: 310102g
Version: 24
Page: 14
Comment: Quote; Energy is charged by the kilowatt hour. A typical charge is $0.06 per kWh. Correction; A typical price is ~ $0.13 per kWh.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 37
Comment: The paragraph at the bottom should match the typical well manometer students will see in the lab.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 3/14/2024 7:38:02 PM
Module: 310105b
Version: 24
Page: 33
Comment: Quote; tau ( vector ) = Force ( vector ) dot product radial displacement ( vector ) Correction; tau ( vector ) = Force ( vector ) cross product radial displacement ( vector ) The correct vector multiplication to find torque ( moment of force ) is by using a cross product, not a dot product. This equation needs to be corrected.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 3/14/2024 7:43:29 PM
Module: 310105c
Version: 24
Page: 5
Comment: Quote Example 3 A cube shaped open vessel contains 10.3378 m^3 of liquid and has a bottom surface area of 2.0 m^2. Determine the average depth of the liquid. Correction; If the vessel is cube shape with an open top, the vessel is overflowing with any volume of liquid greater than 2.82843 m^3 of liquid. If the solution of 5.17 m height of the vessel is true, then the vessel is a rectangular prism, and not a cube.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 3/14/2024 7:33:15 PM
Module: 310105h
Version: 24
Page: 8
Comment: Quote; NOTE 1 kmol is 6.022 x 10^23 molecules of gas Correction; 1 mol is 6.022x10^23 molecules of gas. The k should be removed.
Status: Approved for Review

Archived Comments

Year: 2021

1/27/2021 11:19:42 AM
Module: 310102b
Version: 21
Page: 20
Comment: figure 16 - Title says Two-channel barrier but the figure shows a single channel barrier
Status: Implemented

Year: 2019

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310105g
Version: 3
Page: 20
Comment: Example on page 20 there is a typo. In the question it gives a height of 2.45 cm. In the solution the height is written 2.54cm
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310105g
Version: 3
Page: 17
Comment: Example on page 17 there is a typo. In the question it gives a diameter of 8.25cm. In the solution the diameter is written 8.28cm.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310105g
Version: 3
Page: 45
Comment: Question number 13: Gives the wrong coefficient for the expansion of steel for the answer in the back of the book. It gives 13.0x10^-6/°c it is suppose to be 1.3x10^-5/°c to get the correct answer. I compared the question with an older version and the older version has the correct coefficient.
Status: Declined

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310101aA
Version: 3
Page: 9
Comment: Application of OH&S act: the last bullet in terms of exceptions is"farmers and certain agricultural workers". In light of Enhanced Protection for farm and ranch workers act, this needs to be revised. From Jan 1st, 2016: WCB insurance coverage is required for paid workers OH&S basic safety standard applicable for paid workers
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310101aA
Version: 3
Page: 10
Comment: Typo in Item (1) "A worker who is not competent to perform work that may endanger the worker of [to be change to "or"] others must not perform the work except under the direct supervision of a worker who is competent to perform the work."
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 2
Comment: The word "system" needs to be deleted in at least three places because it is redundant producing poor grammar. The names SI and USCS already include "system" in the name and repeating "system" after them is poor grammar. Table 1 - Common SI system units. Should read - Common SI units. The sentence "...used in the USCS system and.... should read used in the USCS and.... Table 2 - Common USCS system units. Should read - Common USCS units.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 31
Comment: Grammar in the first bullet phrase "is also very accurate" should read "the area between the nozzle and ball is also very precise."
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 33
Comment: Third bullet should be deleted or moved to bottom of page 34 as it refers to the Well Manometer seen there and not the U-Tube Manometers. It says "The scale on this manometer is marked so that only one reading is required rather than two readings(the top and bottom)."
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 18
Comment: The word gravity needs to be deleted from the top paragraph so the sentence matches the equation following it.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 24
Comment: The last sentence says "By convention, particular values for gravity and density/temperature are implied." Those implied values should be listed here after this statement.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 26
Comment: The word "primary" should be removed from the description of working standards so the students don't claim the module calls primary standards working standards. It could read "Working standards for pressure measurement are of "utmost" importance in the measurement industry"
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 38
Comment: 6th bullet needs to change psi to kPa. It says a typical master gauge is 20,000 psi.This is not true. I think it should be 20,000 kPa which matches the 3,000 psi Master gauge in the pictures Fig 26 & Fig 27
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 39
Comment: 3rd bullet needs to change psi to kPa. It says a typical master gauge is 20,000 psi. This is not true. I think it should be 20,000 kPa which matches the 3,000 psi Master gauge in the pictures Fig 26 & Fig 27
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 41
Comment: Centre of page "s" needs to be added to "your solution(s) would look as follows." as there is more than one solution listed. poor grammar.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 44
Comment: Printing error is symbol of "minus" comes out as a square.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 45
Comment: Printing error is symbol of "minus" comes out as a square.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 3
Comment: Missing a zero in the example calculation. should read "50mm means 50 x (0.001) - 0.05 metres"
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 8
Comment: s needs to be added to the phrase "water seek(s) its own level" - Poor grammar
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 23
Comment: The note box misspells metre(length) with meter(gauge)
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 5
Comment: ro does not print properly in the phrase "and is pronounced ro" I would suggest using the phonetic spelling of rho so the phrase reads: "and is pronounced row as in row your boat"
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 19
Comment: The number 9.81169 for gravity should be replaced with 9.80665 given on page 32 as students mistake it for the standard and try to use it in their calculations.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 43
Comment: The first paragraph says that pressure can be expressed as 1. Absolute, 2. Gauge 3. Atmospheric, 4. Vacuum. I am not sure it can be expressed as Atmospheric. I think you should delete it or add Differential Pressure.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 48
Comment: Self test #4 book has wrong answer. 551.665 kPa
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 31
Comment: Grammar second bullet. "very accurate" should read "very precise"
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 34
Comment: Add this sentence to the bottom of this page. "The scale on this well manometer is marked so that only one reading is required rather than two readings(top and bottom)"
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 35
Comment: The 4th bullet implies that the manometers in our labs are reading incorrectly, and need a correction factor, because the scale is made for zero degrees C and our lab is at 20 degrees. Please reword this bullet.
Status: Declined

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 37
Comment: The 4th bullet implies that the manometers in our labs are reading incorrectly, and need a correction factor, because the scale is made for zero degrees C and our lab is at 20 degrees. Please reword this bullet.
Status: Declined

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 36
Comment: Fig 25 is a variation of the inclined well manometer. I think it would be better if the basic well manometer is shown here to the students first so they can learn how it works before looking at the variation.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 37
Comment: Paragraph at bottom should be moved to bottom of page 36 close to the fig 25 it is referring to.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 16
Comment: Top paragraph and equation on page 16 belongs to, and should be moved to, the previous page to improve clarity of the next example.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 19
Comment: The example at the bottom of the page gives two heights for the fluid level 3m and 2.545m. "3 m high" should be deleted to match the calculations below.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310103a
Version: 1
Page: 20
Comment: The sentence "if you are working in feet (lbf)" Should read "if you are working in feet (psf)" because the examples calculate the pressure into pounds per square foot (psf) and then pounds per square inch(psi).
Status: Implemented